Monday 4 November 2013

The keys to my inquiry questions!

I have been researching about "Flow", which is a mental state. I still am researching to put all together so I can not blog properly, but, I can share what I am trying to understand.

I am trying to understand more about "Flow" mental state.

I am trying to understand how to control it, i.e. how to occur or waken Flow mental state when we wish to.

I am also looking into "Motessori Education", as it helps to experience the Flow mental state compare to a traditional education settings.

I also am looking into human action call "Meme". I think it is the key to my inquiry question of tacit knowledge. However, my current question is, is Meme explicit knowledge or Tacit knowledge?

Also, "Socrates method" fascinates me too. I love the concept of with drawn the inner intelligence by creating the questions to ask students, instead of feeding information. If my understanding is correct, as my understanding can be shallow and often I understand deeper after I came down to a conclusion and publish them! I think this is what education is.

I want to understand what is different between well trained human being and well educated human being. It came from as I had a discussion with my friend who is an inspector of child minders and nursery. There are quite few ex army becoming teachers. But, I am worried. Can these people truly educate other human beings? or will they just train other human being like they have at training camp of army? I have nothing against army and I do respect them as they protect the country. It is just another question.

1 comment:

  1. Flow concept one that will really inform your inquiry - I looked up when we talked today. We also talked about analysis and writing - will do more with these for advice on my blog - need to get more people thinking out loud. Great keep blogging!
