Tuesday 22 November 2011

Confession; Real benefit of knowing my self better

I have written on my previous blog about the things I have noticed from watching my self dance, and the benefits of analysing it. However, that was all from practical side of view.

So, Today I would like to discuss how watching my self on video effected my general professional life.
Well, it is like a personal confession!

The field of profession I am in; performing arts, we all work hard everyday to get better, or deeper our understanding towards our profession. That is good and very normal, right?
However, we can not forget that we are in a very competitive field; only few jobs and places for hundreds of us! As I mentioned, we all work hard to make our self better, but, instead, some people choose to work hard on bringing other people down instead of work hard to make them self better :(
Everyone knows that, and that is clearly wrong things to do as a decent human being. There are no excuses. However, when I see how the performing arts world functions, I some times feel like that is only natural for people to start act that way. I am not saying that, that is right or correct action to choose. However, end of the day it is just we love our self and we put our self in front of rest of the people to survive, that is our nature. We all make sure of that subconsciously, that is how we all survived till now.

However, we all discussed about TIT for TAT on WBS3002, we all know and learned the benefits of it and how stupid not to communicate with others and help each other.

To me, the real benefit of watching my self on video was The Realisation.
It all started from my director told me to watch my performance on dvd. I thank him lots now.
It is not nice to see what reality is, and it knocked me down. But, I am learning a lot from it.

The best thing I have gained by watching my video was to noticed the fact;  I am not as good as I think I was.

There are a few reasons I use to think I was better than I am.

1, The industry I am in, we got to be confident!
2, I often get some good reviews in Danceeurope magazine

Since I watched my self and knowing my self more, I think I have improved as a dancer and as a person.
I started to ask for more help to my colleagues, so I see different point of view and approaches.
I am doing that because I realised that I am not as good as I wanted to be and I am desperate!
Also, I saw my colleagues on the video too, and they are as good and as bad as me!
I started respect them more, because of it. I started to listen to the people more too.
So that was the real befit to me.

From now on, every time I started to think I am better than the others, which I am sure I will! Because I am in performing arts world end of the day. I will recall the memory and the footage of my self on the video. That will make me respect others more and makes me a decent person.

Sounds like I am such a nobhead, but I am actually a nice, friendly person everyone!!!!
I just get confused sometimes ;D

Progress of how to use video, How to benefit from it

Yesterday, I actually experienced and physically gained the benefit of watching my self on the video and correcting my self.

The other day, I have recorded my self on video. And, Yesterday, I did class at the same studio and with the same teacher who taught the class the day I recorded. And, the teacher gave us exactly same class.
Then, suddenly I saw my self how I did these exercise the other day, and how I produced all the mistakes. I use the word produce, only because mistakes in Ballet does not happen coincidently. If, dancers make mistakes, there are always reasons for it, therefore I use the word Produce when I make mistakes. Anyway,  I was already correcting my self before I attend the exercises.! Even before we moved on to the exercise to exercise.
No need to explain, I had a great and a very productive class for my self that day.

I felt like I was back in time and have given an opportunity to rewrite and re do the class! And, I made it right ;D

Sunday 20 November 2011

Outcome to Income Part 2

On my previous blog, I discussed about coordination can be tricky to analyse over the video.

Today`s morning class, my colleague gave me an advice about turning, because I realised how bad I am and I was desperate, so I asked for an opinion! He told me that, turning can be much easier if dancers put less effort; almost like just marking!
I immediately tried what he suggested to me, and I found out something new about turning, new sensation.

If, I put less force and attend like almost marking it, I get less tension while I am turning!

Because of the reason above, I am more relaxed while I am turning.

So, I can feel more and scene more while I am turning ; I can collect more information about myself, what is going on, while I am turning!

The main reason why I did not turn well was; because I put more than enough force at the preparation. I think I was focusing too much to turn.  
It is harder to control the turn if there are so much force; Low of gravity!

It is still far far away from good, but it is definitely better and I feel like I am on a right truck.
To be honest, I think it is more physiological rather than physical matter to me.

That was brilliant solution to me. I thank my colleague ;D
I can learn and I should learn from every one!

Saturday 19 November 2011

Outcome to Income

Thanks to the people who read my previous blog and commented on it.

Since then, I brought my previous blog topic to my mentor to discuss.
My mentor is my pilates instructor, he use to be a professional dancer.

We exchanged the opinion and discussed about it.
One of the statements he made it clear to me was,  Dancers should ever loose the 

aesthetic point of view. I totally agreed with him about it base on my opinion which I wrote on my previous blog.

Also, we discussed about the use of mirror too.

So, I recorded my self doing morning class the other day!
I watched it and wrote down all the corrections which I need to improve? Well, improve might not be a right word, only because there are only WRITE or WRONG movements in dance. So, I guess I can not improve wrong movement. So, I say ELIMINATE the movement and replace, rewrite  with the new movement. I believe every time I repeat and go through that process the quality of the movement improve and the quality gets closer what I am aiming for. This process is kind of similar to scientists experiment using tools in laboratory, again and again till they find out whatever they are looking for.
Us, Dancers,  experience the movements using our body, again and again till we get the right movements.
And, I have just remembered that, this process is very much like kolb`s learning cycle!

I have realised few things by the process of watching and analysing my self on the video.

There are some things I can correct quite easily; I could find the solution instantly. And some things I still have no idea how to correct :(

One of the things I noticed was, if movements are simple, most likely the solution will be simple too.

For example;  Grand battmentsA kicking movement of the working leg (i.e. the leg that is performing a technique).Battements are usually executed in front (en avant or à la quatrieme devant), to the side (à la seconde) or back (en arrière or à la quatrieme derrière).http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_ballet#G

Sounds simple, it is simple! However, simple does not mean easy.
Anyway, I saw my self doing Grand Battements to the back on the video. The picture below.

If, people are not familiar with Ballet, probably do not notice.
However, I am arching the upper body sticking out my ribs, opening the hip completely and shortening the left side of the body.

Supposed to look like this; the picture below. Well, that is a position, so slightly different but, similar things.

These were easy to correct. I almost immediately collected my self, because the movement is quite straight forward and simple.

However, something like turning is harder to correct. Because the movement is more complicated; mixed elements of few ballet movements, and the coordination is necessary.
I realised this When Mina commented on my SIG on Facebook. Mina gave me an advise of improving the coordination of turning. Thanks Mina!

Well, however, some thing like coordination is not simple and there are no instant solution for it. This is a difficult part :( I think this is the key to self coaching and this devides being a good self coach to your self or not; Knowing the problems and Knowing the solution of the problems are two totally different things.
It is same as I wrote on my previous blog about understanding of WHAT is happening and understanding of WHY it is happening is different.

I just need to dig deeper my knowledge and be more aware of my proprioception, experience which I have learned from the past, and try to apply them. Or, maybe I need completely different approach to it?