Thursday 21 November 2013

How does the state of Flow effect in Performance and Record

As I was researching about Flow in Men's hundred meter, I have noticed that Usain Bolt, who is a world record holder, has not renewing his own world record since August 2009. It has been over four years since he renewed a world record which he has created. And, he has been renewing world record every time he enters a competition since 2008 till then. In one point, he was keep on renewing the world record which he has created in previous competitions.

So, what happened? Why it suddenly stopped?

I have discussed with my colleagues, and we all came down to same conclusion; Burn out.

Us dancers understand what Bolt is going through and how he feels as we are kind of like an athlete too.
Our theory is like this; He became the one and only. And, he has no one to compete with or defeat to, except himself. And that is a very lonely and hard process to go through.
We came down to a conclusion that, if there were another athlete, who is as fast as him, probably he is still renewing his records, as I guess that, having a strong opponent put him in to the state Flow very naturally; having a clear goal or aim. If, he had a strong opponent, he could just focus on beating the time the opponent creates. But, beating the record which he created, that is much harder as even if he does not reach to his previous time, technically he is still the winner. No wonder his motivation went down.

Flow experience happens when "Goals are clear, feedback relevant, and challenges and skills are in balance". Mr M Csikszentmihalyi explains in his book "Finding flow". He also explains that, going through the state of"Anxiety" is necessary to occur  the flow state. Anxiety, I understand as a stress or struggle.
He explain we need to go through these stressful situation to break through our limit, also to occur eureka moment; inspiration. Then, eureka leads us into flow state. After that, only people who experienced the state of flow knows where does this state take you...

When athletes, dancers, artists or business man, get in Flow state, it takes them to higher level.

However, when we lose the feeling and way of how to getting into flow, it does effect on our day to day performance. I think that is what happened to Usain Bolt. Or maybe it was just matter of time, maybe people are already knew that would happen to him since early stage of his success.

The problem is, we do not exactly know how to occur or get in to the state flow. It happens sometimes when I am extremely tired, and I thought it is going to be a worst performance ever, but suddenly it happens and provide the best performance ever. Also opposite happens often too.
I have had discussion with several dancers and read several interview about flow state for dancers. Most of them mentions the state of flow was almost has been moved by God; nothing to do with their own will.

So, the state of flow does have a big effect on our life.

The question is How to control the Flow?

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