Tuesday 24 April 2012

Focus Group questions

I have discussed with my focus group about dancer`s diet;

1, when dancers have a bad diet; eating disorder, taking pills to sweat extra more, etc, how do they effect on dancers body and mind?

2, How do these common wrong practice occur physical injuries?

3, Are we, professional dancers sending wrong messages to young dancers? As young ones always look up on professionals and try to copy them.

When I discussed these with my focus group, it was generally a nice balance; no one tried to dominate and talk over each others. However, I have noticed that, generally female dancers have more opinions about these topics, as they always think they need to loose weights, because that reason, they are interested in topics more than male dancers. It does not have to be a dancer, generally women are interested in loosing weight compare to men.

However, also male dancers explained to met hat, these wrong habits started spread on male dancers too recently. Even male dancers required to be tall and thin these days.
I see some male dancers diet started to become more like female dancers, for example foods they bring for lunch. And, when we were discussing about the topic, we realised it seems like happening more often on guy sexual male dancers. I am not sure exactly why. I assume they spend a lot of time with female dancers? Or because They try to fit into female dancers group?

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