Sunday 18 August 2013

Ikae Experience 2; Cons of Great Instruction

There is another experience of building Ikea furniture.

On my previous blog, I have mentioned how well their instructions function.

It only works if the instructions is correct.

One of the instruction was incorrect. And, I explain how much problem it caused.
My friend and I have notice that there are something wrong in the process of building. But, we could not worked it out. We really checked and broken down pieces to rebuilt it from the beggining. but, the result was still the same. We both tried to ignore some sections and follow our instinct, but still did not work. So, we called another friend for third party eyes. As he arrived, he pointed out the mistake straight away.
But, there is the real important problem; He saw the mistake straight away, but the instruction was so simple and clear that, he doubt himself.
In the end I took it back to Ikea and explain the situation. And, they found the fault in the instruction.

By mislead by the great instruction, we have wasted our time, man power,and money too.

This experience really reminded me how much I need to be careful when I teach students.
Especially, when teachers are so confident, it creates the atmosphere of not allowing to question about their words.
The mistake was so obvious, but the assumption of  the greatness of the instruction from the previous experience blinded us, and we have mislead without realising.

We need to use our brain and always should not forget to question ourselves.

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