Monday 15 April 2013

To truely own the Information; deepen the understanding

To truely own the information. What does that mean?

After I have written my previous blog this question is getting bigger in my mind. And, I would like to get some kind of answer.

It is so easy to access to any  information via web 2.0, what is the difference between having the information and truely, own; understanding the information?

Luckily, the other day, students of my class lead me to an answer which I was looking for.
I was teaching duets class and also observing students behavire. After every exercise, boys and girls chat and share the experience they just had, to dance better.
However, often  one of them starts to correct the other, instead of sharing and discussing the problem positively   They are very young, however, some of them already think they know so much. And, Yes, probably they do, or at least they think they do.
And, these type of assumption, false confident can be very dangerous. Because, as I was taking and observing the others, I came down to a conclusion; wrong help is worse than no help at all.  That is the reason why us dancers were there to correct, support and guide them.
However,some kids blindly believe they know how to manage things, because they have information how.
I have noticed that does not mean they can actually, physically solve the problems.

As I have explained on my previous blog of mine; Dancer/ teacher's learning cycle
The key and only way to upgrade information to knowledge; by knowing information to own the information is going through the experience.

It is like the difference between having a property and own a property completely. When people buy property with mortgage, they own the property but only the bits they have paid off. Having it and own it is totally different.

We often see a piece of puzzle and blindly believe that is the whole picture.However, this type of blind assumption can lead us to the wrong answer.
Same in teaching. We can only teach what we truely understand and own. No more or less.
So, I need to think before lecture, use the words carefully. More I understand to wards my profession, less I need to explain. There are possibility with the teachers who talks much is teachers who do not even what they are talking about....

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