Wednesday 1 December 2010

White Noise and Movement

Hello to the people who is reading my blog. And, thank you for reading this ;)

I did a class on a very slipy floor the other day. It was one of the theatre`s studio we performed last week.
When I use do class on a slipy floor, I use to tense my muscles tight not to slip, to against the floor, ie, turn out of the legs.
However, this time I realised that, tighten my muscles on a slippy floor does not do anything. It might feel like holding on to the floor, but, not really :S
I just have to relax and loose my body even more than usual.
I can feel my centre clearer as I relax and as my body parts get loosely separated.
I am not sure this makes sense to everyone, but certainly make sense to me because I felt it J
Right, What I mean is like this.
Our ballet mistress often tell us to cut off `White Noise` in movements. White noise is the noise which makes harder to hear or harder to see on TV and Radio. What she means is we all do unnecessary movement in general. Especially when we dance. Well, I say especially when I dance :S
CLEARLITY. That is what out ballet mistress means of White Noise.
Let`s cut off all the meaningless movements, meaning less habits, to make it so pure and so simple, as pure as it possibly gets and as simple as movements can be.
Then suddenly I remember my teacher told me before `Daisuke, as less as you do, as better as movements get!`. What an wisdom! However, things aren`t that simple L If, it is, I am not writings this. I will be writing like `I am the greatest dancer in the world! YEY, YEY!` instead.
Any ways, doing a class on a slipy floor was a wonderful opportunity for me to rethink and relearn how to make my movement clearer and more pure. Because on a usual dance floor, My movements aren`t so clear ie Turns, My centre moves but my muscles adjust while I am turning without noticing. However, on a slipy floor, movements can not lie! More extra movements I do, farther I get from the movements I want. Even tiny small extra movements effect so much to the movements on slipy floor.
So, this time instead of trying to hold by muscles, I relaxed and loosened my body, to feel my centre clearly.
First, I tried to make my movements as clear as I can, to feel my centre. Then, gradually it appeared. It is like walking in a deep fog, looking for something. Then, suddenly fog clears and the something was just in front of you, I just could not see it was so close because I was blinded by the fog. Or I was on it, so I could not see.
Any ways, from now on I will try to do class like I am on a slipy floor.
Do you know. There is a part of training of Martial Ats that, People demonstrate their movements on a very thin wet paper, On a floor full of sand! And, of course they aren`t allowed to rip the paper they are demonstrate on! 
I shall try to dance like they move!

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