The Einstein Factor,
author Dr Win Wengar & Dr Richard Poe
This book introduced me how to use inquiry tools to myself instead of third party to understand more about myself.
I especially found interested in recording my own speech to analyse my thoughts.
Also, how to explain a fact from different direction and by using different senses.
This book introduced me a new way of teaching.
Inside Ballet Technique,
Varelie griegof
This is a very famous book in ballet world, as it is brilliantly done.
This explain how and why injury occurs and how to prevent them. There are reasons when people get injuries, and to know and understand these facts are very valuable as a dancer and also as a teacher.
Teaching Young Dancers
Joan Lawson
This book includes a lot of pictures to explain about dance technique, that is one of the big difference from Inside Ballet Technique book.
Especially, this book explains difference between male and female dancers body. This book made me realise when dancers are young, a gender effect a lot in dance, boys and girls mentality and mutuality of body is very different. So, I have learnt from this book that, I need to be more aware about students gender too.
Books and Journals of Dr Ken Mogi
Dr Mogi explain through his journals and books how much music effect on human brain.
I have never heard about Qualia before I read his books and journals, and it found it extremely interesting. I believe qualia is very important sense as a human, and as a dancer. Also, when I teach and explain to the students, I will try to use my qualia to pass on tacit knowledge
Books ad Journals of Dr Hideto Tomabechi
He also explains some type of music rise human IQ instantly.
He explains, there are only human can recognise two different music separately when there are two different music play same time. And, human brain develop more by listing these music.
So, I have actually use it in a class the other day. It is too early to correct the data, however, i would like to use more of these music and observe how students approach to it.
A Dancer is A Person.
It is a hyper link of Ethic handbook, and this web site was great help for my inquiry.
I explained on my blog.
Dancing Times
There are journals about dancers anatomy and injury on prevention on this magazine.
It was useful for me to understand with the pictures and great explanations.
Ethics Dance
Sho botham explains about ethics on dance. Links to all the great web site about ethics on Dance.
It is a hyper link from ethic handbook.
Dance Advantage
This web sites is similar to our SIG web site on Linkedin.
Explains disadvantage of competition in class. Please check my bolg.
Ethic on Dance; A debate yet to be held
Ms Julia Buckroyd explains about ethics. It looked very useful, however, it did not look interesting, so I did not read it.
Do Dance Teachers Have a Moral Obligation to Allow Students with
Anorexia to Participate in Dance Classes?
I really liked the way she pointed out about dance is an art or just physical activity.
I often find it very difficult to make students and young dancers understand the artistry of dance, also mental problem like eating disorder etc.
This journal made me think of what is the right way to approach to these students.