Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Evaluation of Inquiry tools; Observation

Observation is one of the most common and used inquiry tools in dance.
However, I have noticed observation can provide more with collaborating with other inquiry tools.

this tool can provide more than what researcher can visually see, with researcher's deeper understanding toward the subject by using uses other inquiry tools before hand.
For example,  if observer, researcher choose to begin investigate the task by using tool of observation. Then, current event can provide only so much of information to the observer.
However, when observer has a clear aim and already investigated toward the subject before hand, i,e, certain dancers habit, teachers aim, or  what is the current event is focusing on, if researcher is already aware of these by using other inquiry tools, suddenly observation can provide different point of view.
If, researcher already investigated and correct some information by using other tools, it is much easier to understand the reason why things are happening and why current event is going to to certain direction. And, researcher can built a theory based on these evidences.
For example, I observed some dancer who have been interviewed by me, and, I saw some contradict act in the class from them. And, I also started to realise why dancers get paranoid about certain things, also how they get in to these mental state.
This tool could help put all the factors and show a bigger picture to researcher.

if, researcher has an fixed idea before using this tool, it could plants an assumption on researchers head; we see what we want to see. So, some times we are already deciding what researcher is going to see. That is what I found it tricky. Compare to rest of the tools, this tool is very much rely and depend on researchers understanding, as this is a very one way tool; there are technically no communication between researcher and participant.
And, often apparence of third party effect on participants mental state. And, that could give them  reasons to act differently to normal. In that case, observer is going to observe what participants want to observer to see, that beats the object. And, I could not find out how to avoid that situation.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Evaluation of Inquiry tools; Interview

I found this tool can be the most personal inquiry tool for the research. In this sense, this tool stands totally opposite to the way of survey.

of interviewing people is researcher and interviewee are physically very close. And, this physical distance creates the atmosphere.
I have noticed the atmosphere and body language often provides some thing more than just answers to the questions, some thing more than what interviewee try to explain to me.
This is one the special advantage of interview.

Some times people give me very clear answer and some times answers come with some hesitation or a long pause before they answer.
Some people answer straight away, some people answer very slowly with choosing the right words.

Read between the lines, very famous saying and it is true for survey.
But, I say, try to feel the silence between the conversation. Which I have learned from interviewing people. There are so much information in silence. In other words, possibly the true answers can be only in silence.

Also, interview provides more details compare to rest of inquiry tools, in a very different way, which I will compare and explain at my critical evaluation later.
I started to know them as a person through interviewing. And, gave me a clearer shape of who they are, and what they are trying archive as a person.
That is what this tool is very different to the other inquiry tools.

is it is very time consuming. And, I do not think I need to go through the detail as everyone experienced this.
I also made sure not to digressed from the main subject while interview.
Some times I get unexpected and interesting answers. So, I had to be very careful not to carry out and ask any extra, unnecessary questions.
As Module handbook warns, I need to ask only propriety questions. It was actually a bit difficult as I stated to know the people. But, I realised protect the ethics and keep the questions to minimum and necessary, it is the way to avoid going over the time limit.

Also, I could see some times interviewee hesitate to answer some questions.
It looks like they are thinking of the consequence of their answers, and how they effect them after. That happened when I interviewed dancers and students mainly. However, not from the teachers. It seemed dancers and students were more careful with their answers.
I guess, invisible hierarchy also effect the answers..... 

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Evaluation of Inquiry tools; Survey

I am using mainly three inquiry tools for my research.
Which is Survey, observation, and Interview.

I would like to analyse and compare these tool`s advantage and detriment.


I have actually used a lot of survey for my research.
However, it does not mean it was successful!
I used a lot because I found it quite convenient and time saving, as once survey has giving to people only thing I needed to do was to wait.
Also, surveys results are much easier to check and analyse compare to other inquiry tools results, because it has been done by people and there are evidence on the survey.

 Observation and Interviews, I need to listen to the record or read through the notes to recall the memory of that time.
And, human memory can be effected by day to day incidents.
For example, let`s say I interview some one, and that person gave me generally negative answers at that time. And, I analysed as that person is not enjoying and also finding hard to carry on with what she does. However, later on I find out that her mother is very heavily sick, so that effected her answers and my understanding towards the person.
With circumstances like this, I find it hard to analyse corrcetly when I go through the results of these tools.

However, survey results are pretty much one dimensional and straight forward. That is why I found much more simple and easier to analyse on survey.
And, names are unrevealing, so I will never know who is who. So, there are no space for emotions to effect the results.

is ironically all the advantage above. I found these advantages can be back fires in survey.

Most importantly, Reliability of information.
I used survey on the web; using survey monkey website. And, also I made some questionnaires to give to people.
The reason I avoid survey monkeys and instead I gave out the questionnaire was, because some of the students are not old enough, so I felt very inappropriate to ask them their e-mail address and fill them up on the web. 
I made that decision based on my ethical knowledge of teaching young dancers.
However, I have noticed the difference of answers between web survey and questionnaires.
The questions were the same, and I have asked the students there are no need to reveal their name.
However, when students were filling in  questionnaires, I could clearly see the appearance of teacher effect their answers
I had a feeling of they are worried and thinking of consequence, so students did not answer entirely honest.
Even, though name is not known. 
However, I guess there are evidence on the paper. So, I do I understand why students found it hard to express freely.  
Survey monkey results were much more direct and some of the answers were very useful for me to improve my quality. However, the problem I had with survey monkey was I did not receive reply as much as I wanted to.
As I mentioned in advantage section, Yes, it is time saving in a way compare to interviewing people  and observing classes and people` behavior. However, the problem is once the survey has given to the people, only thing I could do was to wait for the reply
I guess, I can nudge people to reply me, but I do not think that is a right way to get a reply for the research.
No wonder, all the restaurants give out a lot of prizes and money to fill up the survey!
That was the biggest dilemma with survey monkey.

Do people find it same?
Or does any one have any good solutions?

Monday, 5 March 2012


I was observing my company`s workshop the other day.
Then, I realised a strange habit, relation about how teacher pass on their knowledge to the others.

It was during the ballet workshop. The person who lead the workshop told the students to use their `core muscle` and `inner muscle`  to stabilize them selves, as he pointed out his stomach.
Also, described to the students these muscle are important for core stability.

Then, suddenly I realised that is what our company`s teacher tells us often.

Our teacher uses the words; inner, core muscle quite often like he explained to the students.
Also, our teacher explains us dancers how important to feel them and use them right.
Then, I remembered that, our company teachers often use phrases like `My teacher use to teach me  blah blah` or
` That is how I taught at the school when I was young!!!!` etc, etc.....

Then I realised, my colleague is teaching exactly like our teachers....
\then I wonder, do my teachers really completely understand what they are saying?  How about my colleague? Does my colleague really understand about how to activate inner muscles?
Because I don't.

Do we explain things to the students often by using the similar ways to how our teachers teach us? Or do we use almost exactly same ways to explain things to next generation?
Why do we do it? Is it because we agree with what our teachers teach us? or we just copy how our teacher teach without realising? is it because it is easy to just copy or mimic?
Do we teach like our teachers did to us?
Are we even aware of it?

And, Most importantly,  Is it good for others to teach as we taught by our teachers?

By observing my colleagues taking the workshop, I have noticed  the way we teach is based on how we taught or the way our teachers taught us effect how we teach others.
I have no doubt about it, as I saw the way  my colleagues teach, also the way I teach has definitely effected by the way my teachers teach me.
However, I do not think most of us are aware of it. By observing the workshop made me think, and I teach like my teachers do or did to me. Which I did not notice till I wrote this journal!

And, I am not sure it is good or bad to teach other as we taught.
However,  if we teach others we all need to think what we taught, and go through our body to digest and understand truly what we really know and what really our teachers wanted to tell us. Other wise, we become a parrot; there are no meaning or understanding in what we are saying to the others. If, teachers do not understand about what really they know, there are no chance for students to improve.
Doctors tell us totally different ways to prevent illness every few years.
Long time ago, it is good to have a cold bath when we caught a cold, but doctors tell us not to have a cold bath when we have a cold, because it is bad for us! But, they are changing their mind because they are researching and trying to find the best way to find the cure for people.
I personally think,  us teachers need to have a same attitude toward our profession.
There are a lot of text books and method how to teach dance to people. and, a lot of teachers blindly follow it. The brand of the methods blind teachers.  But, we must ask our selves, if people do not improve, what is the point? 
What I want to say is; Most important thing is to help people to dance, not blindly follow the methods or relay  on how our teachers taught us. I think we all need to ask our selves again; is the way we teach the best way to bring people's potential? I especially need to ask my self every day.

Anyway, then why lots of us become a parrot when we teach without realising? I guess, in that way we do not have to re think or check how much we really understand about our profession. It is painful to re think and realise how much we do not really know. Ignorance is bliss.

At last,  what is Inner muscle? I did my own research to find an distinct answer.

Us, all human have muscles. Therefore, we have inner muscles.
Well, cut the story short. Medically, there are no such muscles call inner muscles, as there are no distinct line between inner and outer.
So, the word inner muscle is just a made up word for people who do not know much about the body.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Thursday, 1 March 2012

The question

The question has appeared on the process of studying BAPP.

And, I got to the point which I actually find it hard to ignore, I have
discussed with my colleagues about it, however, in the end, discussions
I had with them did not take me anywhere.
So, I need to ask your opinion. I am aware that, no one can really give
me the answer I am looking for, as I do not even know what the answer
is. What I want to know is how other practitioners major other
practitioners opinions or knowledge.

We, practitioners learn new things every day, and these new experience
takes us to different place, not just different level, I think.
And, these experiences clearly change our opinions, point of view and
sometimes changes who we are as a practitioner. That is only natural
and that is the way should be, otherwise no point of learning and
experience new things, I think.

If I am right, more we learn about our profession, well, we learn about
life itself or Deeping the understanding of life through learning our
profession; through this process we see things from different
direction; we started to see the dimension which always  exist but
because of the lacking of knowledge or experience, we just could not
see them.
For example, first, we see things one dimensionally, but as we deepen
our knowledge, we see things two, three dimensionally. If,
practitioners carry on learning, possibly be able to see through even
what is going on in side of it!
I guess builders or doctors learning process is close to this, I

The question is, as we are all practitioners, we are constantly
learning and that effect our opinions or the way we value things, which
we cannot avoid and should not avoid! Then, how can we surely teach or
criticise others?

For example, there are quite few painters or musicians, composers, who
no one really knew till years after they have died. However, time has
passed, people started value things differently, then, these artists
suddenly became famous! Especially, this happened when a lot of
communism countries have vanished.
My point is these artists have always existed, but people did not see
their value.
What does it tell us? Does it mean meaning and value changes with time
or as people deepen their knowledge? Can time or people`s knowledge
change even meaning and value of fact?.
If, we have decided someone`s opinion has no value. But few years
later, as we learn and experience more in life, then, we realised that,
the person`s opinion was meaningful and valuable. Do we have any
responsibility about the decision we made at the time?

I had so many embarrassing discussions based on faulty or uncertain
knowledge. Since I realised that, I am quite quiet and very careful
with what I say in discussion.

Also, since then, before I teach people, I try to explain everyone I am
teaching based on my current knowledge and experience, so my way of
teaching or
What I teach can be changed as I deepen my knowledge.
I wonder what students think of me as a teacher....

Surevey 2

I have been teaching at a local dance school for last few months.

And, I have discussed with the main teacher; the owner of the dance school to give them out a survey.

1, Because I thought it is a good opportunity to improve my quality as a teacher, and to know how much students understand what I am trying to tell them.

2, I usually teach dancers as an one off workshop, I usually do not have opportunities to teach dancers for more than a week. So, I will benefit as a teacher to know myself better and by answering the survey, students realise abut them self, also makes them think about aim and recall class to re learn and re understand things differently. The students will benefit from answering the survey.

3, My aim of this survey is to understand them better and understand myself more as a teacher through students point of view.

4, The age of students age are 15 years on wards, So it is appropriate to ask them these questions as they are old enough to understand the questions.
I also asked them lay thir to name to make sure protect their privacy.

This time, my survey contained simple Five questions as last time when I gave a survey, I have received answers which I was not looking for, because I did not specify the questions. So this time I tried to make it as simple and as clear as possible so people get the point.


1, Which part of the class did you enjoy the most today? And, why did you like it?

2,Would you tell me which part of the exercise you find hard, and how?

3, Do you understand what your teacher ( Daisuke ) says during class?

4,What did you learn today?

5,What is you aim for your next class?

Questions 1 and2, I have mainly focused on technical issue. By writing down, students realise what was happening in them in class.

Question 3 is to know how much students my English, as it`s my not my first language.

I wanted dancers to think back and realise what they have learned from the class. And, also to have an aim for next class. So we can start where we ended in previous time. That was the aim for Question 4and 5.

Feed Back.

Students seemed enjoyed the class.

Most of the students explained how difficult is to bring the leg back, as we can not see behind of us.

it seemed like students are understanding my English.

Questions 4 and 5`s answered were very individual! Some students were very specific about aim for next class, some of them wrote as they will try to remember where they need go.

My thought

Feed back was very positive.
However, I am not sure they were answering 100% honestly. I am not saying that, they are lying or deceiving the answers.
Because, I know my English is not wonderful. I try to use words and demonstrations both to cover that problem. However, some times even I do not understand what I am trying to explaining to the students, so I am not sure how they possibly understand me well:( Or maybe students are just being polite....hmmmmmmm......